Why did you choose your Harley?
Honestly, I chose the brand because that is what my father rode and enjoyed. Being from Wisconsin as well, of course, the brand is very prevalent here. I found a 100th-anniversary edition Harley Davidson Sportster 883 Hugger XL and had to pick it up for my current ride. This is one I hope stays within the family and our children/nephews/nieces will want to ride it when they are able to.
How did you get into riding motorcycles?
My father. We were raised on a small dairy farm here in Wisconsin, and we learned on little 50cc dirt bikes, ripping around the cornfields. Chasing the sunset, and also flooding the engine too many times...I remember him getting so frustrated. Later on, in my middle school years, it would be riding on the back of his Harley touring bike and taking us to our summer basketball league. Those warm summer nights following the sunsets were some of my favorite childhood memories
What inspires you to ride?
Just the pure fact that I can ride. That I am physically able to just hop on the bike and go almost ANYWHERE. It provides me a release from temporary-single parenting status as my husband is serving overseas, a vessel for endless adventures closer to home and farther away, and it builds a fantastic community that just continues to grow the more I share about my riding experiences.

Why did you decide to make your Instagram?
It started out as a platform to share my personal blog when we were first married, then turned into sharing my professional wedding photography images, now truly into a personal account sharing my riding adventures and experience with others. Connecting with other two/three-wheel riders and adventurous outdoor individuals is what I love most about the platform.
What is the best life lesson you've learned from owning/riding a motorcycle?
You can be a mom and ride too! I had been asked multiple times how I was able to complete my summer riding adventures (listed out below in the next question) with two young kids at home and a husband who's away for the military. Yes, I absolutely miss them dearly. I have a great support system that helps out. But this adventure feeling has never faded, it only grew stronger the more miles I ride. This was going to be my year I decided to make those pipe dreams an actual reality. You can have both! You can be an amazing mother (parent) and explore those places you have only written down on paper.
It may take a bit more extra work to coordinate all schedules, but let me tell you from first-hand experience, it's worth every second! It makes those welcome homes that much sweeter. So whatever it is that you are wanting to experience, find a way to do just that! If that means jumping on a bike for the first time to learn, a ride to the next town over, or a long week getaway halfway across the country by yourself. Let nothing hold you back.
This feeling was why I created the MOTO MOM Live stream series (happening at least once a month if not twice on my youtube channel). I wanted to inspire other female riders (if they are wanting to have a family or not at all, if they are raising young children or they are grown and left the nest). I wanted to build a platform where ladies can interact with each other, build connections, see that what other female riders are doing is possible for them to dream a bit bigger and make it happen.

Tell us about the most exciting adventure you’ve taken on your bike?
I can't say that this summer's adventure was done on my bike, but I had the opportunity to rent a handful of different motorcycles: Harley Davidson Low Rider, Indian Scout, Harley Davidson Heritage, Indian Chieftain, and Harley Davidson Street Glide and explore: South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Tennessee, and North Carolina. I had the chance to ride through the beautiful: Black Hills (Needles Hwy), Jackson Pass, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and through the Smoky Mountains (completing Cherohala Sky, Tail of the Dragon, and Foothills Parkway). With this technically being my first full year of riding, these were only written down on pieces of paper that I eventually wanted to complete. I went out there and actually rode these incredible routes, and I see what so many continue to seek more riding adventures.
I am now trying to source out a touring style bike to complete a 48 states in 10 days Iron Butt Association ride, after I earned my official number in the IBA completing a SaddleSore1K (1000 miles in 24 hours) on my little frame-mounted sporty around the entire Lake Michigan. That is hopefully my next exciting adventure in 2021 (fingers crossed).
What does being a part of the motorcycle community mean to you?
Family absolutely! I realize just how much of an impact my father had on my own motorcycling experience and where it's led me to today. I want to do the same for my two small children, and all others as well. We want to help build up that next generation of riders! So my husband and I are currently in the conception stage of building a youth motorcycle apparel brand called Legacy Motor Wear and hoping to launch it in the summer of 2021.
Note: RumbleOn is an Amazon Affiliate, dedicated to reviewing the best and safest gear and more, for riders everywhere. We may receive commissions if products are purchased from them.
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