Introduction to Motorcycle Types: What is a Cruiser Motorcycle?
Imagine you’re riding low and slow in the mountains, on a wide open road. You can feel the road beneath you and hear your bike rumble. What type of bike do you picture? Most likely a cruiser.
Overall, the best cruiser motorcycles allow for a comfortable ride, which is something to consider when looking for a new bike. Check out the infographic below to learn some more about this specific type of bike!
Cruisers are beautiful, comfortable, and iconic bikes that have become a huge part of the riding culture. They stand apart from other bikes because their ideal seat position is lower than the fuel tank, and their handlebars come back towards the rider. Seats are typically large, and footrests are forward from the rider's hips. This design allows for maximum comfort while riding, and honestly, make you look really cool.

For beginner motorcyclists interested in choosing a cruiser style, there are important things to consider, like the seat height and weight of the bike. If the seat is too high for you to touch the ground, you’re going to have a rough time. The perfect seat height is determined by the rider’s age, gender, height, and what kind of riding position is most comfortable to them. Cruisers are also heavier bikes making them more difficult to navigate, especially if you're new to riding. They are, however, among the easiest to customize, so it is easy to design a bike that fits your specific needs and tastes.
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