Why did you choose your Kawasaki Ninja 300 and Kawasaki ZX-10R?
I have always wanted to ride but I have super-protective parents. Once I was old enough and saved enough money, and heard my sister had bought her first bike, I bought Yuki, my Ninja 300 in 2017. I had done some research and read that she was a good beginner bike and she was a pretty white color that I loved. I didn’t actually know anyone close that was currently riding, it was just something I’ve always wanted to do. When I got Hikari, my Kawasaki ZX-10R more recently, it was because all my riding friends I have today encouraged me to go bigger, said I was ready for it, and I wanted to match Unknown Rider’s ZX-10R.
Tell us your full story, how did you get into riding?
Person/associate who inspired my photo taking, specifically sunsets was @socalzx6r on Instagram. My now love, who I met at my very first bike meet a year ago, introduced me to the San Antonio bike scene and all my current riding buddies when I had no friends, inspired me to get my Kawasaki ZX-10R, and who I go on multiple riding adventures with @unknownzx10rider on Instagram. Close friends who ride that encourage me to get out and best myself in photos and riding are @pho_king_fast and @arianakeah on Instagram.

What inspires you to ride?
Honestly my friends are what truly inspire me to ride. Getting to show up and meet up with them at bike nights, holiday rides, or just small get togethers. But when when I ride solo, there's a sense of freedom and peace I get from it.
Why did you start your account? (passion project or full-time)
I was inspired by @socalzx6r ‘s account. Cool, chill, mysterious dude with amazing, beautiful bike pics who’s from my birth city. This account is really just for my entertainment as it serves as my partial-personal too.
Tell us about the most exciting adventure you’ve taken on your bike.
Most exciting adventure to pick is hard, but one was the night of March 6th of this year. It’s Friday, so naturally Tacos on 2s Day, which means a bunch of riders meet to ride and go to any random taco spot the leader picks. We ride, some of the guys roll race on the way and we eat amazing tacos. Unknown Rider and I decided to go to Main Event (bowling/bar/arcade place) after that since I had never been. We rode around exploring the area, looking for good picture spots, and found one on the top of a parking garage where you can see all the stars and pretty city lights. We took some pictures, rode around some more, and discovered another picturesque spot. A shut down, but accessible, event venue with a pretty courtyard, on top of a hill overlooking the city. The moon had a rainbow ring around it so that was pretty cool too.
At some point while riding, either some invisible dog was barking at us, or a security guard we couldn’t see was talking to us on a microphone. The parking lot was legit empty. We’ve tried to listen to the audio on his GoPro but haven’t been able to figure the creepy noise out.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
I have lots of little positive things I like to share with my Instagram followers, but really it comes down to go for it. Chase your dreams and follow your heart. It’s what led me to riding and all the amazing people in my life I share that passion with today.
What would your top tip be for someone getting into riding?
My best tip for a new rider would be to make safety a priority. Buy gear, like armored pants, or at least a jacket when you buy your helmet. Don’t test your bike’s limits after only owning it for a week and don’t get cocky with curves right away.
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