Keep the dirty side down with these motorcycle safety tips
First thing's first when it comes to learning how to ride a motorcycle: be safe.

Motorcycle safety tips are pretty much drilled into our heads from the get-go. As dedicated riders, we know we have to be on the ball constantly. Distracted cagers and unforeseen road hazards are a continual threat, and when a notoriously “drunken” holiday such as Memorial Day is thrown into the mix, we need to be extra cautious.
Brothers and sisters of the road, I need you to stay vertical. So, here some motorcycle safety tips to stay safe on the road this Memorial Day.
Drive Defensively.
Always, always pay attention. Don’t leave your fate in the hands of distracted drivers. Look both ways at every intersection, avoid blind spots on the highway, and maintain the proper distance behind other vehicles on the road. And, if you can, try to predict the movement of cars and other motorists—staying alert and two moves ahead of the other guy could mean the difference between getting home safe, or making home in a box.
Make Sure You Are Seen.
Following suit with avoiding blind spots, it’s always important to make sure you are seen by others on the road. So, keep your headlight on, and, if you can, wear brightly colored and/or reflective clothing.
Source: Men and Motors YouTube
Don’t Drink and Ride.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: don’t drink and ride. Seriously, just don’t.
Full Gear vs. Fool Gear.
Safety gear is made for a reason, to keep you safe; it really can’t be explained any better. However, fun fact, safety gear can only keep you in one piece if you wear it. (Hint, hint, cough, cough, ATTGATT.)
Source: Squid Tips YouTube
Don’t Push It.
Tired? Don’t ride. Pissed off? Don’t ride. Drunk? Definitely don’t ride.
Use common sense. If you've reached your limit in any way, whether emotionally or physically, don’t ride. Instead, wait it out, and only hit the road when you are 110% sure that you can give it your undivided attention.
Give Your Harley a Safety Check
Give your Harley a pre-ride safety check before hitting the road. Check the tire pressure and condition, the function of the brakes, and general electrical functions like the high-low beams, brake lights, signals, horn, etc. A simple once-over is all it takes and will not only give you peace of mind but keep yourself and others safe on the road.
Rumble On,

Note: RumbleOn is an Amazon Affiliate, dedicated to reviewing the best and safest gear and more, for riders everywhere. We may receive commissions if products are purchased from them.
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